Saturday, March 8, 2008

Another Interesting PNM Class & Anyone Interested in a Macro Photography Field Trip?

Hola everyone!

First, there is another Pacific New Media photography class starting soon (Tues, March 11) - "On Assignment: A Contemporary Approach to Documentary Photography" with Sergio Goes. I'm enrolled and hope to see other HPS members there also!

Second, I was wondering if anyone was interested in going on a macro photography themed field trip? Maybe sometime in April? We could shoot the usual flowers and such, and them maybe some more abstract things around Chinatown. Give me a shout w/ your contact info if you are interested...

contact (at) terraphotography (dot) com

1 comment:

HPS Members Account said...

Thanks for the heads up Barbara. I would like to take is next time around but need my Tuesday nights back for a while. Sounds like great class tho.